Environmental Health Division

The Environmental Health Division promotes Public Health by addressing the environmental factors that can adversely affect human health. The primary role of the environmental staff is to prevent human illness or injury through public education, regulation and advocacy. While responding to public health concerns is a function of the environmental division, the majority of our effort is directed towards education, and disease and accident prevention.

Environmental Health inspections and investigations are conducted by Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS), as required by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4736. A REHS is a professional who performs educational, investigational, technical, or administrative duties requiring specialized knowledge and skills in the field of environmental health science. In order to achieve REHS status, one must first complete a four-year college degree with

emphasis in science.

Fees:  The fees can be found here. **New Fees as of 01/01/25**

Food Safety/Licensing

Sewage Treatment Systems

Private Water Systems

Body Art & Piercings


Manufactured Home Parks

Swimming Pools & Spas

Nuisance Complaints

School Inspections

Animal Bites

New Home Construction

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