Get in touch
Phone: 419-5863251
Emergency After Hours: 419-733-4753
Pediculosis, also known as head lice, is caused by tiny wingless insects that only live on a human scalp. Head lice are about the size of a sesame seed, and nits (the eggs of head lice) are small oval shaped and whitish-gray. A person gets head lice by coming into contact with another individual that has head lice or their belongings. Head lice do NOT hop, jump, or fly. Head lice are annoying, but are not life threatening. Head lice is not caused by poor hygiene or dirt, and typically prefer a clean environment to survive. They do require effort to get rid of them - time, and persistence will pay off.
All the schools in the county work with the Auglaize County Health Department and follow the same policy in dealing with head lice.
Our Mission
Auglaize County Health Department
813 Defiance Street
Wapakoneta, OH 45895
Fax: 419-738-7818
WIC: 419-738-7428
Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 4:30pm
All Rights Reserved | Auglaize County Health Department | Site by Midnet Media